30 May 2014

Fabric Find

I had a Fabric Find on a Friday, how jolly is that?

I was a-browsing in a bucket of fabric during my lunch hour with no prior intentions whatsoever of purchasing any, but when I saw this print I just could NOT resist.

Little meows on midnight blue linen. Those little paw prints just make me want to smile :-)

Some of them have really grumpy faces, but if you've ever had a cat you will know what an Attitude they can have. Scowllll...

I was thinking what a great tote it would make (and I do need a new tote for my work things),  but there's only a quarter of a metre of it so there's not enough. Never mind, I'm already planning a nice new phone pouch, and perhaps a couple of fabric boxes from this print. I paid RM10 for this, what a bargain, no?

Oh, and here's a shot of the fabric meows with a real one, ehehee!

I'm not Milo!

Wishing everyone a happy weekend!

1 comment:

MamaDaniel said...

RM10? Linen kan? Biru pula... Okey sangat meowwww.. ;)